Thursday, January 05, 2006

Alas it has been awhile since I posted--sorry to my loyal following, all three of you. I am posting my cv because I will be job hunting soon. I have been busy working on my dissertation and nothing else. For all of you that might possibly be interested, I will post it when it is finished. When will that be? I don't know--quit pressuring me people!

Sabryna Cornish, Ph.D.
Email address:

Current position

2007-present Director of undergraduate studies, visiting assistant professor
Communication Department, University of Illinois at Chicago

1998-2007 Editorial associate
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois


2006 Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
Field of Study: New Media Studies

Dissertation Title: Framing of the Internet by Traditional Mass Media

Dissertation Committee: Steve Jones, Chair; Clifford Christians, John Nerone, Andrew Rojecki

Comprehensive Examinations: Internet Research; Framing; Philosophy of Technology

1995 M.A., Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Field of Study: Communications–Print Media

1992 B.A., Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Major: Journalism Minor: English

Teaching experience

1999-2001 Lecturer, University of Illinois at Chicago
Mass Media and Popular Culture; Male/Female Communication

2002-2004 Instructor, University of Illinois at Chicago
Introduction to Mass Media, Interpersonal Communication

Teaching Interests

Mass Media New Media Methods
Introduction to Mass Media Internet Research Research Methodologies
Journalism Philosophy of Technology
Mass Media Theory

Research Experience

2001 Research Assistant
Department of Communication, University of Illinois at Chicago
Conducted research with Professor Steve Jones on how college students utilized the Internet for the Pew Internet and American Life Project, Washington, D.C.

2002 Research Assistant
Department of Communication, University of Illinois at Chicago
Conducted research with Professor Steve Jones on college students and gaming


I. Publications

2001 Utilization of the Internet by College Students
Pew Internet and American Life Project

2002 Let the Games Begin: Gaming Technology and Entertainment Among College Students
Pew Internet and American Life Project

II. Manuscripts in Preparation

2006 Cornish, Sabryna. Several entries in the Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Politics.

Professional Activities

I. Paper Presentations

2002 “Utilization of the Internet By College Students.” Midwestern Conference on Literature, Language and Media, DeKalb.

2004. “Textual Analysis of Advocacy Web Sites.” The Other Internet: Exploring Digital Resistance, Paris.

2004. “Metaphorical Framing of the Internet: A Case Study.” National Communication Association, Chicago.

2005. “Metaphorical Framing in Online Advocacy Web sites: Case Study of” Association of Internet Researchers, Brighton, England.

2006. “Framing the Internet and Texual Cues.” Association of Internet Researchers, Chicago.

II. Poster presentations
2002. “College Students’ Use of the Internet.” National Communication Association, New Orleans.

III. Session organizer/discussant

Professional Affiliations and Service

Association of Internet Researchers

International Communication Association

National Communication Association

Society of Professional Journalists

IV. Reviews

2002-2003 Reviewer for Houghton Mifflin, college textbook division

2005 Reviewer for submissions to Association of Internet Researchers conference

V. Public Service

2004-present. Member, Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Person’s With Disabilities

2005, 2001. Member, Supporting Excellence Endowment Committee.

2004-present. Organizer, University of Illinois Communications Collaborations Conference.

2003. Volunteer. Take Your Daughter’s To Work Day.


Professor Steve Jones
Department of Communications
University of Illinois at Chicago

Professor Clifford Christians
Institute of Communications Research
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Professor John Nerone
Institute of Communications Research
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Associate Professor Andrew Rojecki
Department of Communications
University of Illinois at Chicago